Member Benefits
Do any of these apply to you?
Are you a dog person?
Experienced, or just beginning? Then JOIN THE CLUB! Dog clubs abound with dog lovers who share common interests of raising, training, breeding, and competing. For more information on joining ICCKC, see "Join" section on the
Membership page.
Do you want to Gain Knowledge
Dog club members are knowledgeable about canine nutrition, health, training, and
development. A dog club is the place to meet experts on your breed of dog, learn the fine art of showing your dog, participating in agility, obedience, rally, and many other dog events.
Do you want to Contribute to Your Community
Dog clubs strive to promote and protect dogs in their communities. Club
members teach responsible dog ownership by sponsoring training classes, offering responsible breeder locator services, and by participating in rescue networks. They monitor and provide input for legislation governing
responsible dog ownership.
Do you want to be The Real Thing
If you watchdog shows on TV, you may get the impression that only rich people in fancy clothes with fancy dogs can be part of the dog show world. Nothing could be further from the truth! You can choose to participate at any level of involvement or expense that suits you. Come to our meetings and events - meet our members to see the real world of dogs and dog shows.
Would you like to attend a meeting? Visitors are welcome! Find out more on our "Meetings" page
Ready to Join? Visit the "Join" page for application information and forms
Benefits of Membership in Idaho Capital City Kennel Club
Free dinner at the annual Christmas party / awards banquet.
High-quality dog training classes, at a reduced price, for 6 -week classes at various times throughout the year. Typical class offerings are show-ring handling, AKC S.T.A.R Puppy, beginning agility, AKC Canine Good Citizen, and Rally.
Members who serve on a committee at least once during the year will receive a beautiful plaque for their dogs that earn titles or special recognition, which can be updated each year, presented at the annual Christmas party / awards banquet in December.
For those who help at the October Treasure Valley Dog Shows, free parking inside the back staging area, near venues.
Notification about upcoming canine events, seminars, shows, and trials.
Friendship, congenial encouragement, and seasoned wisdom from fellow dog enthusiasts who will cheer you toward your goals.