Club History
1940's through 1950's:
There were two dog clubs in the Boise area: 1. Boise Valley Dog Breeders and Fanciers and 2. Boise Kennel Club.
April 4, 1948: BVDB &;F AKC held the first Plan A Sanctioned Match at Cavalry Barn in Nampa, ID. 88 dogs entered of 25 different breeds. Dogs did not need to be AKC registered to enter the match, but they did need to be purebred.
Sept 1948: BVDB&;F held the second Plan A Sanctioned Match at Cavalry Barn in Nampa, Id. The match ran from 10 AM to 11 PM. A luncheon was served by ladies of the Nampa Valley Grange; with an intermission from 5 Pm to 8 PM. The area's first competition for Junior Handlers was included as a feature with age division of 6 to 12 years and 12 to 16 years. A blond female cocker spaniel puppy was donated to the dog club and auctioned off during the dinner. A Doberman puppy was presented to the club for a future auction. Dottie and Russ Peterson moved to the area from Waterloo Iowa. They held two of the oldest handler licenses in the country; bred Golden Retrievers and English Cocker Spaniels (Golden Knolls Kennels). They joined the Boise Valley Dog Breeders
and Fanciers Club. Richard Mooney was President of the Boise Kennel Club.
May 29, 1949: BVDB&;F held first AKC Dog Show in conjunction with the Lion's Club benefit affair at the Idaho State Fairgrounds located at Orchard and Highway 30.
June 1, 1952: Last AKC Dog Show in the area held by BVDB&;F was a benched show held at the Meridian Dairy Barn. AKC removed the BVDB&;F AKC charter due to the club holding a show under the sponsorship of a civic organization - (Lion's club).
1954: The Petersons' began working to rectify the situation. They wanted an AKC licensed dog club in Boise. The following clubs were already chartered and holding shows or finishing the process: Lewis and Clark Kennel Club, Five Valley Dog Club, Mount Ogden Kennel Club, Intermountain Kennel Club, and Walla Walla Kennel Club.
June 13, 1955: A planning meeting for organization of an AKC dog club was held at Elk's club. Representatives from both dog clubs were present. They voted to turn over memberships and assets to the newly formed, but nameless group. Also present was Alfred Dick, Executive Secretary of the American Kennel club. The meeting was moderated by Russell Peterson. Officers and seven board members were duly elected:
President: Richard Mooney
Vice President: Jack Hanawald
Secretary: Virginia Mooney
Treasurer: Mrs. Macquivey
Board: Orville Peet, Russell Peterson, Jud Chapin, Dr John Lundy, Ed Gilbert, Gertrude McCormack, Ed Aitchison.
Newly elected president, Richard Mooney, thanked members for electing him and assured them that with their help he was sure this club would be the "best in Idaho and one of the finest in the nation."
A motion was made and seconded for a public contest to name the club; however both were withdrawn after discussion
concerning time constraints for AKC charter. Members present suggested names - Madis Chapin's suggestion of Idaho Capital City Kennel Club was chosen. Beatrice Burdick moved for immediate submission of an application for the first Plan A Sanctioned match. The next motion was for starting obedience classes immediately, with the Russell Petersons as instructors. The final motion of the meeting was to set meetings on the third Wednesday of the month at the Kitty Hawk Lounge at the Boise airport.
June 23, 1955: Received AKC letter written by Alfred Dick, Executive Secretary giving approval for the name Idaho Capital City Kennel Club, and designating Boise, Idaho as the location for two formal type (Plan A) Sanctioned show Matches. The Matches needed to be held 6 months apart. Successful completion of the matches would help "qualify" the new club to hold a licensed dog show. Also requested was a copy of the by-laws, and a current membership list designating each member as: breeder, exhibitor, or dog owner.
July 11, 1955: First regular meeting of ICCKC was held at the Kitty Hawk Lounge at the Boise Air Terminal. Two topics of discussion included the first constitution and by-laws, and the proposed city dog ordinance as presented by the Postal Carriers Organization.
July 20, 1955: Constitution and by-laws approved by the board and the membership.
July 27, 1955: Application submitted to AKC for sanctioned Plan A Match, along with a membership list, and a copy of the Constitution and by-Laws. The accompanying letter noted there was good attendance at the club meetings and 30 dogs and owners attended the weekly obedience classes.
Aug 17, 1955: Second regular meeting minutes show a treasurer's report balance of $263.15. Discussion involved a buffet chicken dinner with cocktails following the sanctioned match. Cost to be $2 per plate at the Country House Restaurant (owned by club members, the Chapins). Entry fees for match were $2 first entry and $1 for each additional entry. Madis Chapin, match chairman, had obtained a list of the 2000 licensed dog owners in Boise and needed volunteers to copy the list and contact each person about the match. The first educational program was that evening: Charles Thomason representing Quaker Oats-Kennel Ration Company spoke on dog food. Each member present was given a new economy size can of dog food.
Sept 11, 1955: First Sanctioned Plan A Match was held at Western Idaho Fairgrounds. One thousand people attended the match as publicity was very good. Thirty two members worked very hard to make it successful. The only
glitch was the ribbons did not arrive in time. Ribbons were mailed to each exhibitor, along with a letter explaining AKC colors of ribbons at matches. (Ribbon recipients wanted "real ribbons" and complained.) Photos Below...
Sept 21, 1955: At the regular meeting the second Sanctioned Plan A match was discussed. March 11, 1956 was chosen for the date. A membership committee was voted upon.
Oct 1955: There was discussion of change in the meeting place. The program by Obedience Judge Ralph Bates was a brief history of the association of man and dog, outlined the development of obedience work in this country, the AKC and obedience, and detailed reasons for obedience training of dogs.
Nov 16, 1955: Three new members were received at this meeting. The club voted to make a trophy donation of $10 to the Idaho Falls Obedience Club for their first Sanctioned A match.
Jan 18, 1956: Elections were held.
President: Jack Hanawald (later died in early September 1956)
Vice President: Orville Peet
Secretary: Madis Chapin (Resigned in July and replaced by Darlene Wilcox)
Treasurer: Mrs. Macquivey
Board: Russell Peterson and Beatrice Burdick (3 years), Jud Chapin and Lloyd Heath (2 years), Dr. John Lundy and
Ralph Bates (1 year).
March 4, 1956: ICCKC sponsored a dog show handling class at the Larry Barnes Chevrolet Garage located on 11th St in Boise. The show room was cleared of autos.
March 11, 1956: ICCKC's second Sanctioned Plan A Match held in the Riverside Ballroom and Arena in Boise.
A letter mailed to all licensed Boise dog owners about the reasons for the match also stated, "Remember it is not necessary to have your dog registered with AKC for this match, as long as the dog is purebred". The wrap-up letter to AKC noted there were 128 entries (including obedience) and many spectators. It mentioned good publicity from newspapers, radio, and television, including one full hour of live TV coverage.
March 21, 1956: At this regular meeting the successful Plan A match was discussed. Fees for Obedience
Classes were set at $1 per single and $8 for ten lesson course. It was announced that Twin Falls had set
April 29 for their second sanctioned match. The importance of their match was stressed, and members urged to support the neighboring club.
April 18, 1956: Program was Dr. R M Kingland, head of the Idaho Humane Society. He discussed the
society's operations and various problems such as nuisance dogs. The society collects dog license fees; keeping85% for operations with 15% going to the city. A new shelter would be built within the year.
May 16, 1956: At this meeting the club voted unanimously to change obedience class fees to a complete 8 week course for $8, paid in advance. The date of September 29, 1956 was selected for the first point dog show with Virginia Mooney as Bench Show Chairman. Point schedule was discussed. Twin Falls was approved for Sept 30, 1956. The two clubs worked together to secure judges. It was proposed ICCKC join the Boise Art Museum for $30 in order to have meetings there, and use of the kitchen facilities.
June 20, 1956: The club voted unanimously to move meetings to the Boise Art Museum even though price was raised to $35 per year. Discussion revolved around incorporation as a non-profit, and wheels were set in motion for a member lawyer to draw up the papers.
July, 18, 1956: Location of the September Dog Show set for the fairgrounds. Two conformation and two
obedience judges were hired. There was a motion to have three persons authorized to sign checks, so one of them would be available. Other motions were made including: electing a club historian, and obtaining a PO Box.
Aug 22, 1956: Meeting held at Art Museum. Dog ordinance was ready for third reading at City Council.
Present dog laws are not being enforced by either the Boise Police or the Humane Society. Program was a film prepared by Seeing Eye, Inc. about training seeing-eye dogs and the blind person.
Sept 10, 1956: President Jack Hanawald died unexpectedly.
Sept 13, 1956: A special meeting where Evelyn Hanawald was made Honorary President of ICCKC.
Sept 16, 1956: Regular meeting where Incorporation papers were completed - attorney fee was $100. Free obedience handling and conformation handling classes to be offerred to anyone interested in entering the show. A funeral wreath is purchased for Jack and a grieving ICCKC goes on with the dog show.
Sept 29, 1956: ICCKC's first point Dog Show and Obedience trial held at W. Idaho Fairgrounds. A breeder
registry booth was recommended for the show.
Oct 17, 1956: Business included: next meeting scheduled 1 week early moved back to Kitty Hawk Lounge.
(Drinking members were dissatisfied with the Boise Art Museum). Show financial wrap-up, membership change to active and associate members. The latter would support the club financially due to limited opportunity to actually help with club activities. Also passed was a spring 1957 Dog Show.
Nov 14, 1956: Discussion was held as to the purpose of the board and their role regarding the business
of the club. It was resolved that regular "club meetings should educate members about their dogs and other dogs and should not be a place for boring, minute, detailed discussions, or arguments. Once criticism of the club meetings was they had become a hassle with lengthy discussions on minor details." General consensus was the Board of Directors makes club decisions and presents them for membership final approval. Meetings should be shortened
and more time for program, entertainment, or social activities.
Dec 12, 1956: Pot Luck dinner/business meeting at the American Legion Hall. Dog show financial report was
given. $1688.50 received in entry fees, and $1617.19 in expenses. Catalog and trophy money had yet to be counted. Nominations for 1957 officers and board were taken and voted upon. Milt Hale gave an "interesting talk on how we could improve public sentiment toward defeat of the leash law and at the same time further the interests of dogs and humane care in Boise."
Jan 21, 1957: A Special board meeting was held to discuss the upcoming Dog Show. However, Mr. Chapin felt club election was illegal due to a nomination not being accepted because nominee had not paid his dues.
The rules state the nominee can't vote, but could be elected without paying dues. Another board member had been nominated for two different board terms without declining one of them, so her election was illegal. Elections set to be repeated at the February meeting.
May 29, 1957: ICCKC's second Dog Show was held at the Armory on Reserve St. in Boise. Twin Falls show was on May 30th. The first puppy match was held at Larry Barnes showroom.
Dec 1957: The Christmas party was held at the Redwood Kitchen.
1958: Meetings continued at the Kitty Hawk Lounge. The Dog Show was held May, 28, 1958 and earned $286.83. That year's puppy match earned $127.14. The club had their annual Picnic and Christmas party.
1959: The idea of grouping shows was formulated, with Boise, Twin Falls, Ogden, and Salt Lake each taking a day. ICCKC 4th Annual Dog Show and Obedience Trial was held Wednesday, May 28th 1959 in the new Merchants building at the Idaho State Fairgrounds (Orchard and Highway 30). The building measured 100 X 200 feet. Two conformation judges and one obedience judge were hired. Exhibitors were sent a letter giving them information regarding the shows following in Twin Falls, and Utah. Gem State Obedience club, a new obedience club, was formed in the Boise area.
At the August meeting the club voted to cease holding obedience classes so the new obedience club could promote interest in obedience training by offering classes. Don Seaman, ICCKC member, was the President of that club. Also in the area, the Canyon County Kennel Club began to offer matches.
1960's through 2000's: