About Us

We are a club of approximately 100 members, who enjoy dogs and meeting and working with other "dog people" in various dog sports and activities.  Learn all about dogs and dog-related acitivities through: our educational programs at our monthly meetings,  volunteer opportunities, upcoming events, our telephone advice and referral page on this website​, and classes and seminars at the Training Center.

ICCKC members have a lot going on with our dogs and our club.  With all the activities and the events we put on, there is always something to do.  We have a lot of fun with our dogs and develop life long friendships with other members.   Some of us seek titles and awards in the dog sports we compete in.  Others want to just learn something fun to do with our dogs, so our dogs are even more happy to see us when we get home -- "what are we going to do today mom and dad"?  Our club of enthusiasts are family oriented too, with several Junior members as part of our team.  Quite often you'll find family members -- mothers, husbands, siblings  -- cheering us on and helping out at many of our events.

ICCKC has a lot to offer the Treasure Valley Dog community:

Membership:   Are you a dog person, want to gain more knowledge about dogs, and help our community?  See our membership page for more about Meetings, how to volunteer or join, Juniors and Junior Scholarship, as well as a little bit of history    about our club.  

Events:  We offer quite a few AKC events in this area that are open to any registered AKC dog.  See upcoming events for premiums and information about upcoming events and our club events link to see what we offer.  Local events help members and other exhibitors from around  the valley, the state and across the country compete with their dogs.  The income from events help fund the events themselves, as well as help the club offer donations to local dog services and charities and allows us to offer our annual Junior Scholarship.  And with exhibitors coming from outside of our area -- eating in restaurants, staying in hotels, shopping in local stores -- our events also help support the community as a whole.

Training:   Public education about and for dogs is an important component of what we do at ICCKC.  While we have always offered Spring Classes and occasional seminars, our Training Center in Garden City opened in December of 2017.    Classes are open to the public and to membership.  The Training Center is also available for private hourly rental  for personal dog training, members or non-members.  Volunteer members manage the center, teach classes throughout the year, and lead drop-in classes. All proceeds support the rental, maintenance and upkeep of the Training Center itself, as well as help fund club events and donations.  See more about classes, class descriptions, the Training Center calendar and general information on these pages.

2023 Officers and Board

President:  Ket Ayling

VP:  Vicky Runnoe

Treasurer:  Leesa Hobbs

Secretary:  Laurie Ceccarelli

Board Members

Board 2024: Kathy Schisel, Christopher Quijano, Alexandria Bullock Wolfe

Board 2025: Nelda Reed

Board 2026: Mary Hunter, Dana Kelley


AKC Delegate - TBD

Committee Chairs

2023 Committee Chairs - TBD